Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Exciting News!!

Hi friends!
It's been a while, but I have really fun news to share!!!

It's been 3 years since Remy passed away and we are so  happy to announce that we are adding a Vizsla puppy to our family this weekend!!

Fun facts:
*His name will be Bodhi. 

*Naseem came up with the name!

*Bodhi is short for Bodhizafa. Specifically, Georgetown Bodhizafa IPA.

*It's our favorite beer and we call it Bodhi too.

*He will be 8 weeks old when he arrives.

*The breeder was on a list for a puppy from Remy's litter but there wasn't a match.

*We were on a list for a puppy from Bodhi's mom's litter and there wasn't a match.

*Remy passed away on March 25, 2018.

*Bodhi was born on March 26, 2021.

*See all those magical coincidences??

This puppy is definitely a gift from Heaven and we couldn't be happier!

Check back soon for updates! Bodhi also has his own Instagram page & you can follow him there:

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Vegan Challenge Continued

I made it through all four of my January reset challenges. Woohoo! 

I felt so good by eating vegan all month that I have carried the challenge over into February. Not just me, but Omid joined too. YAY! 

Cheese and butter continue to be the foods I miss the most. That problem may have been solved though. A friend recommended Miyoko's Creamery Cultured Vegan Butter. It did not disappoint.
I haven't had butter since December 31 and my taste buds definitely tasted butter. Omid has only been off of butter for 17 days and was certain this butter would taste terrible. He was also pleasantly surprised how good the butter tasted. 

We also found Violife cheese to put on our pizza. Right out the bag, it tasted like mozzarella and it melted perfectly on our pizza.
This vegan challenge is turning into a most delicious adventure. 

Will I continue after February? Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 16, 2021


Happy New Year! Good riddance to 2020! After being home since March 18, I've gained the Covid-19 weight plus. A friend challenged me to do Veganuary with her, so I am. Omid and Matty are still eating meat, chicken, pork and fish, while I am not. It's been hard, but I am half way through it now. Not only am I doing Veganuary, but I am doing three more challenges too. Dry January, walking 100 miles in January, and no dairy. I love all things dairy so that has been really hard too. The walking so far, has been the easiest. I am already at 50 miles. Hopefully, the weather will continue to cooperate so I can make this goal. I've attached the walking challenge below from if you want to try to. What resolutions have you made?