Our finished product (strawberries & Reddi Whip on the inside too)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Ooh La La
Recipe for deliciousness

Papa, Matty, Omid & I headed out East to Cascade Locks today to see if we could buy some Salmon. We found a local who had a beautiful King Salmon for sale. It was 25 lbs. and she was selling it for a ridiculous $200! We couldn't believe it! We said no thanks and then headed back home (she was the only fish seller out there today.

Matty cooling his feet.
Photo of the lower falls
God's Light
Please click on this photo to get a better view. I noticed this gentlemen (I am sure visiting from a different country). Omid & I coudln't take our eyes off his footwear. In this country, what he had on his feet are for women. They were also a size too small. I told Omid I just had to get a photo. Now that I took this photo and left this comment, I am sure that I have made several mistakes in the different countries I have visited and locals have photographed me as well. So I don't feel too bad.
Omid bought Matty & I giant soft serve cones. They were super nummy. Mine is vanilla and Matty had choc/vanilla swirl.
**NOTE: Nas is absent from the above post as she wouldn't let me take her photo yesterday or today.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Olympia Visit Part 2

Papa's bbq chicken.
Naseem made a blackberry cobbler for dessert.

Do you like butter?
Olympia Visit Part 1

B & I stopped off at the Spooner's Strawberry Stand and picked up a 1/2 flat for my contribution to Saturday's dinner.

Then we made another stop to visit Buddy, our other sister's 11 year old lab. Buddy just had surgery to remove a cancerous (?) lymph node. They won't know the results until Tuesday. He was all drugged up and still came out to say hello to B and I. So polite.
Buddy's shaved face. He received 42 stitches. Poor boy.
Next, our rich sister, Cynthia, took all of us to the Olympia Golf & Country Club (she is a member) and we hung out at the pool. Cynthia knew a lot of people there. I felt like I was in an episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County.


Budd Inlet
Saturday, June 28, 2008
By the way...Happy birthday Mom and Happy Birthday Arezou. HOpe you both enjoyed your days!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Picnic Dinner
Look at Remy eyeing Matty's dinner.
Say cheeseburger!
If you check Nas' blog, she has two other 'race' videos. I'd like to say I was full on dinner, but the truth is, it's been over 20 years (!!!) since I've ran and it shows in this video. :( If you watch the video to the end, listen to my pathetic excuse. :(
In between all the funny stuff, the movie had a great message: Peace. Peace between all people of all colors & religions. The point was made several times during the movie. It was great.
On a side note, we have some friends who are moving to North Carolina soon. They just returned from a house hunting trip. It was sad, as they experienced racism first hand at a restaurant. My friend said it was terrible - she felt so sad. She always goes out of her way to make sure she makes others feel comfortable, and then this happens. It's terrible.
The same can be said for Omid. When he was a student at WSU (not so long ago), the locals would say terrible things. I remember being so incensed at the things that were hurled his way when we would be eating out at a restaurant in town. Educating people is key. That is why I visit with the middle & HS students every spring and educate them about Iran & what I've learned about it's culture (& from living in a bicultural household). The kids are so eager to learn about the world & how we're all not that different from one another.
Brace Face
So...Matty couldn't sleep in this morning. He had to rise early and go to the ortho.
No more gum, popcorn, caramels or soda for this boy.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fish Tacos - Part 2
It was a tasty dinner. I completely forgot to take a photo of the finished product, but I assure the dinner was delicious.