The kids at Spaghetti Factory.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Snoball Dance
Friday, January 30, 2009
Whew! is good once again and we can sleep easy tonight!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Going Private!
If you wish to have access, please email me and I will send you a link.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
And the winner is...
I was sitting in the back near the judges, so I heard many of the comments and was SURE they were talking about Nas. When Nas' English teacher, Mrs. Nyquist looked at the name and said, 'I'm not surprised!" I was certain it was Nas (I'm a I can shamelessly brag about my daughter like this! She did the best job...hands down!). The kids had to make sure their recitations concentrated on tonal shifts (from line to line), enunciation and emotional impact. Some of the kids over did it - it was almost comical. I wasn't sure if that was intended or not. Nas did just right. It was perfect.
Nas & Mrs. Nyquist
(Laurel: do you recognize this woman from the RTI inservice?).*She accused you of taking her pen!
**Also of Note: Nas, Omid and I went to watch Mateen play basketball this afternoon. SKY won their 2nd game!! 28-18! Go Hawks!
Monday, January 26, 2009

Meet Gracie
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Catching up with Friends
After dinner, Omid was stuffed and took a siesta on the lobby sofa.
Ward trying to sit comfortably in the stiff chair...wishing he had claimed the sofa first.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sticky Buns
I only used 1/2 cup brown sugar in this recipe and it was still really sweet. The buns were good and the kids loved them. Omid and I prefer the monkey bread (with it's bite-sized pieces) and we just thought it tasted better.
I was also worried about food poisoning (letting the rolls sit out for several hours)...but so far we are okay (we've also eaten several things off the peanut butter recall list- before we knew they were recalled). We must have stomachs of steel.
Sticky Buns
18 frozen Rhodes dinner rolls (FROZEN - DO NOT THAW)
1 3 oz package of vanilla cook & serve pudding (not instant)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
4 t. cinnamon
1 cube butter
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
The night before making these buns, grease a bundt pan. Place frozen rolls in pan. Sprinkle on pudding, then brown sugar. Combine sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle. Melt butter and pour over rolls. Put in a cold oven overnight. In the morning, remove rolls and preheat oven to 350*. Bake rolls for 30 minues. Cool 10 minutes in pan before inverting on a plate.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Price is Right...UPDATE

Here is how Gisela won all her prizes. She was called down and bid on some luggage. She bid $1500 (the actual retail price was $2200) and so she won the luggage and a chance to get on stage. Gisela played the Tic Tac Toe game and won a dining room set.
After that, she got to spin the wheel and ended up with 80 cents. She was the 'high' spinner and so she go to be in the Showcase Showdown (& pass her showcase if she didn't want to bid on it). That is exactly what happened. Gisela's first showcase was a trip to Venice and a sailboat. She passed & the other contestant bid on it. Gisela's showcase included a car and some lawn furniture. She bid on it and came within $200 of her showcase. She won both prizes. The amount of both showcases was $61,000. Gisela said she got to sit in the car for a few minutes and wave until the show was over. After that, she was whisked away into a room and had to sign a stack of papers.
Apparently, the taxes on the prizes are very high. Gisela gets to take some time to think about if she wants to forfeit the prizes or pay the taxes and have them shipped to her home (shipping is free!). I can't wait to hear what she decides. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day

What a fun morning I had a school today! Both of my kids were very excited to go to school and watch the Inauguration with their friends. I was looking forward to watching it with some of my students. I had a small lesson planned and was hopeful the kids would get something out of it.
Two sisters came in and visited with me around 8:30 a.m. They hung up their coats and asked what 'movie' I was watching. I explained that I was watching the news and it was a special day with special coverage on television because we have a new President today. One of the girls asked me, "What?! We have a new President? Really?" I told her we did and what his name was. I asked her if she knew who the old President was. She said she didn't know. So I asked her a few more questions and then she asked me, "Wait, is John McCain our new President?" :)
After the other kids arrived and we were watching the swearing in ceremony, one of the sisters turned to me and said, "This is really cool." I thought that was so sweet.
Afterwards, we talked a lot, I taught the lesson, we did an activity and the kids got to search the White House website. It was fun. I only wish I had thought to bring treats.
High point: We sat really close to the tv trying to look for a former coworker on tv (& a former teacher of some of the kids). Rachel: We were sad we didn't get to see you!!
Low point: The HS principal told me on Friday the kids would get to view the Inauguration. Naseem's English teacher had other ideas and refused to let the kids view the ceremony. Nas was very disapointed and caught up with videos when she got home. Matty said he watched the tv for about 2 hours today and saw a lot of the special programming.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Highlights from the dog show!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Happy 1st Anniversary to Me!
Idea for a rainy day...
Friday, January 16, 2009
How Dew you get this trick to work?
**After our failed experiment, I googled mountain dew glow lantern and all these posts came up saying it was a hoax, the guy added glow stick juice to the bottle. My kids were happy they at least got a Mountain Dew out of it.
You can roll a Rolo to your pal...
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Come on Down!!!
Apparently Cynthia's mother-in-law, Gisela, went with several girlfriends to a taping of The Price i$ Right yesterday in California.