I have to give a huge shout out of THANKS to
DoveLewis and
Dignified Pet Services.
We originally had planned that when Remy's last day arrived, we would call an in home vet. Remy's distress came outside of office hours, and we knew DoveLewis was the place to go. Remy had been there numerous times before (
they saved his life when he was five!). Remy was even featured in a
I am so thankful we took Remy to DoveLewis. His last 20 minutes on this earth he was so well cared for. They got us in immediately and took us to a Comfort Room. Remy was whisked away on a stretcher to be given pain meds and an IV. While Omid and I were waiting in the Comfort Room, we had time to look around at the surroundings. Some kids from nearby St. Andrew Nativity and St, Thomas More schools had painted rocks to take and remember the experience.
The Rainbow Bridge poem was posted.
The lights were low and the room was indeed comforting. I read the hundreds of pet names who had passed before and whose families had purchased a leaf, branch or dove in remembrance.
Savanna, a DoveLewis staff member, came in to ask about Remy's remains. We chose to have him cremated and made those arrangements. She offered to take Remy's footprints for us and we could have as many copies as needed.
Remy was brought back in and was covered with a warm heavy blanket. I lifted the blanket up to see where his IV was and saw they had wrapped it in tape with a heart. So sweet.
We were given as much time as needed to say goodbye. When the time came, Dr. Jennifer Gorman came in and explained everything to us (this was our first time together putting a pet down). The whole experience was absolutely peaceful and beautiful, and not negative like I thought it would be. Again, we were given as much time as needed to say goodbye. Matty was patched in via cell to say goodbye and we FaceTimed Nas from Miami.
When Remy was taken away, we were given a pet grief journal and again, and literature for pet grief sessions and memorial art workshops at DoveLewis if needed.
On Wednesday, Remy's footprint copies arrived in the mail along with the sweetest card from DoveLewis.
#Remytoes |
The sentiments in the card alone from Savanna confirmed we'd made the correct decision.
A word about Dignified Pet Services: I had the inclination to give them a call on Tuesday morning, as I was feeling bad that we hadn't sent any photos to be with Remy when he was cremated. I called just to find out when he had been cremated and was told that he was just picked up on Monday and was probably going to be cremated later that day. I feel it was such a blessing that I called. I emailed some photos and Christina said she would place them with Remy for me. I also ordered a cremation heart. Half of it was placed with Remy when he was cremated and that piece was returned to fit inside another piece as a remembrance. Yesterday afternoon, DPS called to let me know that Remy's remains had been returned to DoveLewis.

I am so thankful that Remy's passing was so full of love and so very peaceful; and that Dignified Pet Services took such good care of his remains. I am telling everyone I know with older pets now about how great these two companies are. I won't hesitate to use their services again with our next dog.
Thank you to everyone at DoveLewis and Dignified Pet Services!!