Today was one of those beautiful sunny winter days that we absolutely love here in the PNW. It was too nice to stay inside, so we decided to go for a walk. We didn't want to do our usual walk down by the Columbia. I consulted my friend Sarah's blog for something fun & free to do. After blog stalking on her site for a while, we decided to visit Mt. Tabor Park in Portland. It looked like a fun hike with beautiful city views. A plus was that Matty could take his longboard & skate around the park.
When we got there, Omid challenged me to a race up to the top. Loser had to buy lunch. I wasn't worried, as I had worn my tennis shoes & was feeling quite competent. I didn't get a photo of the stairs at the bottom, as I was sure I would have time to get a photo from the top...of Omid still climbing the stairs. Well, I was wrong. Omid won!
I win. You buy lunch! |
We trudged along for a bit, huffing & puffing - trying to catch our breath from running up the stairs.
You go this way, I go that way.
This statue is of Harvey Scott. Early editor of The Oregonian newspaper.
After we caught our breath, we walked over to see the view of downtown Portland.
Gorgeous sunshiny day!☼ |
Warty looking trees. |
There are 190 acres of Mt. Tabor to explore, so we did just that.
Look behind me: a Christmas tree! |
Matty - taking a break from long boarding. |
We finally made it down to the upper resorvoir. |
Mt. Tabor houses several resorvoirs that supply drinking water to parts of the city.
No throwing anything over that fence. There was a security guard + lots of cameras on site. |
Lower resorvoir.
We never made it down the steps; afraid that we wouldn't make it up again. |
Matty pinning 'Camas' on the 'Where are you from?' map at the Visitor's Center. |
From here, we went to look for the
'cinder cone volcano.' We were sure we found it, but since there was no sign, it could have just been a dirt hillside. Now that we're home, I checked the internet & found out that the dirt hillside
was the cinder cone.
Omid enjoying the sunshine. |
We spent about three hours total at the park today. I seriously could have stayed another three hours. We were all starving & since I lost our bet, it was up to me to pick the restaurant & pay up. Naturally, I chose Best Baguette. ☺Though Omid was a gentleman & paid for our lunch.♥
The best banh mi in town! |
I can't wait to visit Mt. Tabor Park again, next time with Remy (as he would love it!). Thanks Sarah for the fun idea!☺