Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I am in the market for a new rolling pin. While rolling out my Barky Bits today, my current rolling pin bit the dust. So... I need to find a new one, pronto. I am leaning towards getting a tapered French one (fancy!). I hope they are worth their expensive price tag.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Guest Post by Omid!

We get to the ramp and it is pretty quiet. No lines, no hustle and bustle. The weather is nice and sunny, we launch and head over to drop off our crab pots. The bait choice on the menu were, turkey legs and Tilapia. There must have been 50 other pots out and my prime choice spot was taken. So we scooted further down and managed to drop off a strip of pots in a semi secluded area.

It is 11:00 AM and we decide to change our heading and started to troll towards the bridge. A few minutes go by and the pole with the $13 spinner is dancing again!! I reach over to grab it and nothing. !?!?! It was a good looking action but apparently was a drive or a fluke because as you remember, my $13 spinner has proven itself. We kept trolling until noon and said goodbye to the

There were tons of crab. Most all measuring right at 6 inches, but to be on the safe side, we threw those back. In on pot, we must have had about 25 crabs and 90% of them were females, which will need to be released as well. A couple of small ones and Mateen really wanted to take a picture with one. All in all, it was a pretty exciting time for all the family to feel like they are part of the “Deadliest Catch” story line.

On the way back, we were greeted by the gang of pelicans and seagulls, all were eager to see if we had any food for them.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Pumpkin Puree Shortage!

Did you know there is a pumpkin puree shortage in the US right now? It's true! Go to any grocery store (in our area anyway!) and most will tell you they cannot get pumpkin puree. Maybe not even for weeks. Apparently early rains have ruined much of the commercial pumpkin crop.
This sent me into a panic, as I NEED pumpkin now. Not only do I need it for my hobby, but my family depends on me for pumpkin bars & muffins this time of year. Thank God for Costco. Our local store had several pallets. I bought a case. I should be set for a few weeks now.
Run to your Costco to stock up on pumpkin before they run out too!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Coug Fan!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Let's Make a Deal!
This morning, Nas negotiated another deal with Omid. Nas really wants her belly button pierced. Omid wants straight A's from Naseem. The deal is that if Naseem gets straight A's from the HS and Running Start this year, she can get her belly button pierced in June. I said, "no way!", but was overruled by both of them.
Stay tuned!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The tasting was $13 for 5 pours of wine. The man at the counter said it was $26 even. So...when the owner ran our card, it was $28.13. Omid asked why it wasn't $26? The lady said, "You are paying a service tax on us serving you the wine." Hmmm....Omid and I thought about this. When this gal and her friend ran Salut Wine Company, it was either $5, $10 or $13 for wine tasting. You paid that amount and NO tax. Okay...we were there to support the local business, we'll pay the tax.
After that....our pours got smaller and smaller. We compared them to the man tasting nex to us. It was almost funny. The wines weren't that good anyway. Certainly not worth $13. I have had $6 Yellow Tail wine that tastes MUCH better than the wines we had tonight. We opted not to have the last pour and walked around downtown instead.
After that, we went to the CHS football game and tried to find our kids. No luck - they avoided us like the plague. While Omid and I were watching the game, a woman whom I have never seen before approached us. I had no idea who she was, but she kept questioning me and wanted to know if I was a Camas or Evergreen fan. Next she asked what exactly happens at halftime. I told her I thought the marching band performed as they were lined up to go on the field. After about ten minutes, she came over to tell me that she asked someone else the score and I had it wrong. One last time she came back and told me that even though she was dressed in Evergreen colors, she was indeed rooting for Camas. Hilarious.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Karate Chick
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Good old Eleanor

Monday, September 7, 2009
Persian Rice 101

Next, fill a wooden spoon (not overflowing) with salt and pour into the rice & water. The rice will need 3 wooden spoonfuls of salt.

Immediately drain the rice into a colander.

Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the same pot you boiled the rice in. It should just cover the bottom (1/2 to 3/4 cup).

Pour the rice over the tortilla. It's best to try and shape the rice into a pyramid in the pot. The rice should not be level. It's easier to spoon the rice (rather than pour) into a pyramid shape.

Pour the saffron water equally over the rice.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy birthday Ward!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Netflix This!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
This Little Piggy
Matty dislocated his second toe on his left foot. Don't ask. It's a boy thing. Anyways....the toe was at a gross crooked angle when I got home. I immediately took him to the doctor. Xrays showed the toe wasn't broken, but badly dislocated (one bone completely underneath the other).