Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Prosser Wine Weekend 2016

Last weekend we had our annual wine tasting weekend in Prosser,WA. We were so happy that Lin & Ward were able to join us again this year!

Reunited! #dearfriends

I  LOVE US!!! Three WSU Love Stories! #gocougs

Katie loves to photo bomb!!!

Every year we meet to shoot sage rats & wine taste after.
We asked permission of the vineyard owner. Please don't go into vineyards and start shooting!

GO COUGS!  at Davenlore Winery

With the famous Gordon Taylor
After wine tasting, we headed back to our friends' winery, Pontin del Roza for a private party. Lin's 50th birthday party!!!! Their patio was the perfect place for the event.

Dustin did an amazing job decorating the table for Lin.

So pretty!

Love these ladies!

Omid made Persian BBQ
I stopped snapping pictures at this point, but during our delicious dinner in the stunning setting, I thought to myself: "This is so wonderful! I am here with my best friends and having the time of my life. Thank you,  God!"
I'm already looking forward to our wine tasting weekend 2017!

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