TGIF! Last night we headed over to the Kellogg's for pizza. Lin asked Omid to make "that" salad dressing he always makes. I forgot we were out of basalmic vinegar so Omid had to make that "other" dressing (which is actually more delicious!). After dinner we headed over to Big Al's for some bowling.

Omid toasting me with a Fat Tire.

Ward preparing to kill the pins.

Omid trying (unsuccessfully) to get Fari to bowl.

Nas & her friend Jason. Jason won by the way (though Nas did get THREE strikes in a row!).

Lia, Jason, Madison & Nas

Lin &I showing off our fashionable shoes

Look at that form!
You should all know that when I was in the 3rd grade, my sister and I took bowling lessons (our parents bowled in a league). Then at WSU, I took bowling lessons for a PE at WSU. Don't mess with me when it comes to bowling! Just kidding. I came in dead last between Jason, Naseem, Matty & I.

Omid finally got up to take over for Madison. He did really good! I think he should join a league. He would look so cute in a league shirt.
Looks like you all had great fun. Go Nas for the three strikes in a row!
I took bowling at WSU too. I also took billiards, much to my dad's disgust.
I love bowling! I'm terrible, but I have fun trying.
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