Sunday, March 6, 2011

Make This!!

Omid & I made pirashkis on Friday night. It's been way too long since we had them. We made a triple batch so my friend Annette could have a stash too.

Dough - finished with it's double rise & right next to it - the pirashki filling.
Stuffing the pirashkis.

Ready for the hot oil.

First one done. I had to do a taste-test it to make sure it was delicious (it was!).
First batch=done!
We ate a ton of these, they were sooooo gooooooood.
Feel like making these? Do! They are easy & worth the wait. Check out My Persian Kitchen for the recipe.


Laurel said...

Yum-o. Those look good. Might have to try them out.

Chris and Sarah said...

MAN, those look good! How many could I eat on my 500 calorie dinner plan? (answer = 1 baby bite??)

Chris and Sarah said...

As a personal taste tester, I hereby proclaim them tasty and tangy and perfect! Thank you!!!!

erinz said...

Thank you for:
1) trying them
2) liking them
3) being honest