FYI:This is a super-long blog post. I decided to do it in one shot instead of two or three different posts.
So, sit back & enjoy!
Just outside of Colfax. We are all starting to get excited! |
Almost to Pullman. Look at those beautiful lentil fields!
The center window is my former room.
Lucky for us, the dorm was open, so we walked on in. This is the back door into the dorm. Just like it was 24 years ago, someone stuck a piece of wood in the door so residents could get in.Hallway to the second floor. This hall smelled the same. I was instantly transported back to August 1987!
I thought for sure the bathrooms would have been remodeled.Not so! The bathrooms were exactly the same as when I lived there.
Regents was home to middle school boys attending a basketball camp last week. I asked some boys who were in my old dorm room if I could come in & take photos. They said yes & by the looks on their faces, I know they thought I was a little strange. I gave them a whole explanation that I used to live here, etc, etc.
After taking Naseem around Regents, B & I took her to the back lawn. This is where we would take our dining hall trays & go sledding down this hill. So much fun (until a friend of mine broke his back doing just that.).
The next stop was Thompson Hall. I had a lot of classes in this hall & B worked for the College of Liberal Arts which is also located here.
Thompson Hall. Probably the most photographed building on campus.
Bryan Clock Tower. The second most famous building on campus.
Next we walked Nas over to where she will be living in the fall. Unfortunately, it was closed.
After that, B & I took her all around campus. We ended up in the Webster Physical Science Building. I love the lobby in this building. There are several hands on science exhibits you can play with. I loved the fact that none of them had been removed or changed. Just like old times!
The next morning, we got up extra early so we could eat breakfast at Old European.
We love this restaurant!
I had the aebelskivers (of course!). After breakfast, we checked Naseem into Stephenson dorm. One of three Stephenson dorms Naseem's room! |
Naseem's side of the room.
The view from Nas' room. See that tall building in the distance? That's Webster Physical Science building (where we played the night before).
We said 'goodbye' to Nas and left her with her orientation group. Brenda & I went off to do our own thing for the next 36 hours.
Our first stop was to French Ad to visit my friend Karen. Karen hired me as a work study student way back when. Karen is now the Director for Student Assistance Programs. A job that was created just for her by President Floyd (because she's so wonderful to helicopter parents like myself!) and is empathetic to both parents & students. I am so happy to know she will be there for Naseem if anything happens.
Karen & I
Then B & I headed back to Old European for lunch to meet my friend Pam. Pam & I used to work together at the Physical Plant. We were both pregnant at the same time & had our kids a week apart. Pam now works for the Department of Biological Sciences. Naseem will also run into Pam from time to time as Nas is a Biology major. ☺
Pam & I
After lunch, Brenda & I were determined to find the Old Leonard Barn. We've only seen photographs of it and wanted to see it for ourselves. After an unsuccessful hunt, we stopped at the Visitor's Bureau & they sent us on the right path.
Found it!
This barn was built in 1911 and recently underwent reconstruction. It was simply beautiful and well worth the time we spent hunting for it.
This lentil field is exactly across the street from the barn. Brenda & I just stood for about a minute listening to 'nothing. It was completely silent & absolutely beautiful!!
We next decided to visit the Grizzly Bears. WSU is the only university in the world that houses adult Grizzlies for research.
I asked this lady if she was cutting up salmon for the bears. She told us it was cow hide. The bears actually eat dog chow and the cow hide is a supplemental snack for them. Interesting!
This bear kept climbing up the gate to the ceiling. I think it wanted o-u-t!
Listen to these young bears. They were watching the woman cut up the cow hide.
It was obvious they wanted some!
After that, B & I headed into Moscow, Idaho. We used to frequent a little bar called The Quiet Bar while all our friends preferred Chasers. We loved the fact that The Quiet Bar had all the same decor.
Quiet Bar Alums |
Happy Hour at The Quiet Bar
Naseem had a free evening, so we picked her up and stopped at Cougar Country Drive In so she could get a snack.
Goop sauce, fries & clams. Nas' absolute favorite.
Look how happy B was to be back at Cougar Country!
After dinner, we headed over to Lawson Gardens. On the way, we stopped to see the adorable Charlie Brown water tower. So happy to see he was still there. ☺
B showed Nas a tree in the garden & asked her if she remembered it. Nas did not.
When Nas was just two, we brought her to this same park & took a cute photo of her hugging a certain tree. We asked Nas to recreate the photo for us. She did. So fun to have both the photos 15 years apart.☺
After that we drove Naseem to the funnest photo op in Pullman. The WSU water tower!
B hiking up to get a photo.
Naseem & the famous WSU Water Tower! Go Cougs!!
Hiking back to our car. Love this shot! |
Gorgeous Pullman sunset!
Friday morning, B & I skipped the hotel breakfast & opted to eat at Old European again. This time we got lingonberry crepes (recommended!).
After breakfast we visited the WSU Creamery & Ferdinand's for some Cougar Gold cheese. I also bought a the garlic-dill, sweet basil & a new cheese called Crimson Fire. It has just enough spice to bite you back. So good!
Cheese making at Ferdinands! Brenda & I heard about a new micro brewery in Pullman called Palouse Falls Brewery. We stopped in to try their new beer called Crimson. I knew Omid would like it so I bought him a growler to try. We plan to take it to a 4th of July BBQ to share with our other Coug friends. |
The nice folks at the brewery told us about the Merry Cellars Winery which is also new to Pullman. We decided to stop in and say hello. Unfortunately, we were so busy chatting with the owner, I never took any photos. If you get a chance, stop by this tiny tasting room. The wine is delicious and the owner is so friendly.☺ Brenda & I both signed up for 'Work for Wine' work parties (for the next time we're in Pullman). Merry Cellars also has a wine called Crimson. We decided to purchase a few bottles of the Crimson & the Twilight Hills.
Photo from the Merry Cellars Facebook page
We had to pick Naseem up at 3:30 so we decided to just sit & enjoy the warm Pullman sunshine until we had to go. We had a GREAT time in Pullman. I can't wait to go back in 6 weeks!!
1 comment:
What a fun trip! I love finding things from a *long time ago* in their original fun. P.S. - in 1987, I was 9. : ) Sarah
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