I have started walking more and more - trying to train for a Half Marathon in May. I purchased the Nike+ Sportband to use as a pedometer yesterday. I LOVE IT! Not only does it track my distance, but it also counts the calories I've burned. The sensor fits inside my shoe and comes linked to the sportband. After a run/walk, I stick the usb into my computer and it charts my progress from the last workout. This is better than any pedometer I've had before (that clip on the hip). So far, this has made the training more fun (& as a visual person, I love being able to see the progress on my computer). Yesterday, Remy and I clocked 5.2 miles.

132 days to go!
How cool! I'm a numbers gal too. Show me the results.
I love this! Just got back from a walk with Remy. I did 3.21 miles in 50 minutes, burned 364 calories, and my pace was 15 mins & 48 secs a mile. That is great for a half marathon...if I was to do 26.2, I'd have to go no slower than 14'30".
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