Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Try This!!

This dried coconut snack is my new favorite find from Costco. I know it's been in stores for a while, but I just got around to tasting it. It is super delicious!

While I love the scent of coconut in candles, lotions & shampoos but am not a huge fan of the shredded coconut in baked goods. I decided to try this snack, as it's full of fiber & makes a perfect snack for the Shred. It's so yummy & has a creamy-coconutty taste that I really like. Be warned: it's not inexpensive - but sells for $8.99 for a 18 oz. bag. Kind of pricy. It is, however, good enough that I purchased two more bags this morning (as the first bag didn't even last a week in our house). We are loving this treat!☺

More coconut news: I learned from a coworker that dogs can eat fresh coconut. I Googled the info just to make sure it was safe for Remy to eat. Turns out - it is!

I purchased a coconut today and wasn't quite sure how to open it. I watched several videos on YouTube & tried the technique here in my kitchen. Coconut fail! What the videos didn't show - but absolutely-positively happened in my kitchen: coconut husk & chunks flying everywhere (including my eye). After cleaning up the huge mess, I took the coconut outside & threw it on the ground. Success! It opened up into 4 pieces & Remy ran right to it.
Remy sampling his treat.☺
 Here is a cute Vine video of Remy & his snack.

Remy made short work of these coconut pieces!

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