Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Tammie!

Last night, we went out with our friends Lin, Ward, Jeff & Tammie to celebrate Tammie's birthday. We ate dinner at The Irving Street Kitchen. The restaurant was okay. Our server was very nice - but the service was soooo slooooow! Our cocktail order took over 20 minutes to arrive and the food took even longer. It's a good thing we like each other's company! Dinner at this restaurant lasted almost 3 hours. Give me a kiss!
Omid & I

Now YOU give ME a kiss!

Jeff & Tammie
Finally: a good shot!

Bacon wrapped oysters.

This was a GREAT wine!
Trifecta 2009 Applegate Valley, OR
A big, bold red with a spicy finish.
Omid ordered a scotch that was so peaty it was awful. Jeff described the taste/smell perfectly: an old fashioned band aid! Anyone growing up in the 70s HAS to remember the way the elementary school band aids smelled. YUCK!
After dinner, we walked over to Whole Foods to buy ice cream. This couple was out front singing songs from South Pacific. They were good!

After ice cream, we walked over to Powells for some shopping. All six of us walked in together and immediately went our separate ways. We met up an hour later. I purchased a bunch of books, one being The Egg & I by Betty MacDonald (good read!!).
Fun Fact: When my mom was young, Betty MacDonald lived in the same neighborhood.

This My Little Pony was parked outside waiting for it's owner. Too cute!

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