I am married to a gourmand. Omid loves good food. He love to prepare good food and have it look beautiful. He can open the fridge, assess what's inside and make a beautiful & tasty dinner. I look in the fridge and wonder "what the heck am I going to make for dinner." I don't like to cook, because I prefer to bake instead. Enter Pioneer Woman. She has saved me. I love her step-by-step instructions. Everything I have cooked for dinner from her website has been delicious & Omid has liked all of them. Except for her enchiladas.
I made PW's White Chicken Enchiladas for dinner just the other night. They were good! Omid silently suffered through them. He likes tacos & fajitas - but enchiladas are right up there in the 'casserole' category for him; and he just doesn't care for casseroles. Last night, Omid opened the fridge to get the jar of salsa. He saw the two leftover enchiladas on a plate, closed the door and said to Matty. "I opened the fridge and there they were - staring at me." Matty burst into laughter and I said, "HEY!!!"
This morning, when Omid opens the fridge, they will indeed be staring at him!

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