Friday, May 2, 2008

Thanks to everyone (human & furry friends) for the get well wishes for Remy. He is such a good boy. He is much better this morning. :)

I tried to get Omid to be a "guest blogger" last night, but he didn't want to (humph!). So, I will have to sing my own praises. If you know my cooking abilities, they are limited to spaghetti, tacos, various casseroles, spaghetti, lasagna, roasted chicken from Fred Meyer, spaghetti & various things from Trader Joes. The comments on my meals are something like this: 'Please don't make this again', or 'spaghetti again?'

Thanks to a Persian cookbook I invested in a few years ago, I can make a few select dishes (soup-e jow, bagali polo, lubia polo) though not as good as Omid can. Well, last night, I made bagali polo (lima bean rice) for dinner. I started the minute I got home. I used to intensely dislike lima beans (something in my youth called Western Lima's - the name still makes me feel sick to my stomach!) but have given them another chance.

Bagali polo is Naseem's all time favorite Persian dish. So, like I said, I started around 4 p.m. and worked 'lovingly' on this dish for quite a while. When Omid came home he said the house smelled really good (it really did!). We sat down to eat and Omid said, "don't let this go to your head (too late!), but this is really good." And it was! Omid commented on the dinner two more times. That is when I asked him to tell friends & family on the blog, but he declined. So, it was up to me to tell you all that if you follow the directions in a cookbook 100% and don't make any substitions or short cuts, dinner can be really good!

After dinner, we watched the movie Enchanted. It was cute in a Princess Bride sort of way. The main princess reminds me of Nas' friend Leah - they could be twins.


Arezou said...

I don't care what anyone says. I have always loved your cooking and I think you are a FANTASTIC cook, persian dishes or all others...

erinz said...

Even my spaghetti? Thanks for the compliment!

Laurel said...

I enjoyed the meal! Thanks again for sharing. Someday I'll attempt it myself.

Chris and Sarah said...

Erin - Thanks so much for the authentic meal! I liked trying the new flavors and spices. What a fun surprise!

Unknown said...

You have always been a sweet hand cook. Dont listen to Omid. He is jealous!!!!!!!