Tuesday, September 9, 2008

UPDATE: Neosporin, band-aids, stickers, liquid Tylenol, hand sanitizer, & travel toothpaste. I will add more if I hear of anything else there is room for. Thanks!

Donations needed!

I know someone who is travelling with her family to Ethiopia in just a few short days to visit the child she and her husband are adopting. They still don't have a court date and she is several months pregnant. They think they may not get their court date until she is almost 8 or 9 months along; so that is why she is leaving later this week. She plans to spend lots of time with their child and also to visit the other children at Layla House. I have offered to purchase some donations for the kids living at Layla House. Items such as Neosporin, band-aids, candy, etc.

If you would like to donate an item or two to send along to the kids who are waiting for families...let me know. I hope to hear either tonight or tomorrow on what donations are needed.

Thanks for your support!
P.S. = you can read all about her adventure at: http://lifewiththefriesens.blogspot.com/


Chris and Sarah said...

I'm in! Tell me what type of stuff is needed.

erinz said...

Thanks Sarah! I will let you know!

Laurel said...

I put some stickers in your box. It's not much . . . but something, I guess.

erinz said...

Thanks Laurel!