Saturday, May 31, 2008

Talking Dogs & Tri-Tip

When Remy first came into our family a few years ago, Naseem found this book at the library. It's really cute & has little tips (& adorable pictures) for talking to your dog. One of the tips is to kiss the back of your hand rather loudly, again & again. This tip has worked everytime we've tried it. We get a response from Remy no matter what. Last night was no different. Naseem was talking to Remy and then kissed the back of her hand. He immediately starting talking.
Cute book.

The Talker.
Naseem talked with Remy while Omid made dinner. He & Matty (& some friends) returned from fishing around 9:00 p.m., so we ate a little late. We had the best tri-tip. It's the Morton's Steakhouse tri tip from Costco. Simply delicious!

Morton's tri-tip.

Yes, the clock is correct. It was 10:53 p.m. by the time we finished eating dinner & the dishes had been done. This is almost 2 hours past my bedtime. I went to bed right after this photo.


Laurel said...

I tried kissing the back of my hand . . Peanut just looked at me like I was a weirdo!

erinz said...

Try a 'backwards' kiss - kind of like a 'sucking' sound. If that doesn't work, I'll get Nas to make a video & post it.