We were busy bees today. We repotted the house plants again (& bought 4 new ones). Instead of baking the soil, we put new soil in the pots and covered them all with about an inch or more of sand. Yes sand. Apparently the gnats & larvae can't survive under all the weight. We'll see!
After we were finished we had lunch at Pho Van and then headed to downtown PDX to see the Red Bull Flug Tag challenge. We went 4 years ago and just had to go again today. It's a lot of fun. It seems every other person in the Portland area wanted to see the challenge too. There were 1000s of people there. The Hawthorne Bridge was full of spectators as well. I tried my best to get some photos to show you all just how many people were downtown.
There are always a few colorful characters in Portland. Today was no exception. While we were walking to our car we passed a lady wearing an "Obama for Change" tshirt. This man walks up to her and screams in her face: "MY WIFE HATES OBAMA! YOU SHOULDN'T BE WEARING THAT SHIRT!" The woman was terrified (I was terrified). Then, as quickly as it happened, he just walked away. Weird!
After the Flug Tag, we headed into Sellwood for some window shopping. The kids were less than thrilled to be there. So...we ventured back downtown for more window shopping.
It was a fun filled busy day and now we are happy to be home (& Remy is happy we are home too).

Look at all the people!

This beautiful boy is Zeus. We met him on our way to the car. He was so cute and only 7 months old.

Nas & Omid inside Finnegan's Toy Store. Omid was having way too much fun!! :)
The ride home. I thought the clouds looked like the title to The Simpson's.
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