Saturday, August 23, 2008

A death in the family

It's a sad morning at our house (at least for me, it is). One of our walking sticks, Gus, passed sometime between midnight and 8 a.m. He was the friskiest of the bunch too. Poor guy! I checked him again and again to make sure he was really gone (WS are masters at 'playing' dead). Omid even checked him for me this morning. Sorry Sarah! I promise you I took very good care of him; it must have been his time.


Chris and Sarah said...

May he rest in peace. I take comfort in knowing what excellent home care he got in his final days. Adieu, good friend...adieu.

erinz said...

I am trying to feel sad, but am laughing right now. Thanks for making me feel happy. He was such a good guy (really!).

Laurel said...

I hope you had a proper burial