Monday, June 30, 2008

Arezou & Evan arrived in town yesterday for a week's visit. Matty is now officially taller than both of them.

Arezou comforting Remy (thunderstorms were out & about - Remy was very upset).

The men - talking men stuff.

Papa, Matty, Omid & I headed out East to Cascade Locks today to see if we could buy some Salmon. We found a local who had a beautiful King Salmon for sale. It was 25 lbs. and she was selling it for a ridiculous $200! We couldn't believe it! We said no thanks and then headed back home (she was the only fish seller out there today.

On the way home, we stopped off at Multnomah Falls (neither Omid nor Papa has been there before). It was a really beautiful day. The sign at MF says over 2 million visitors a year visit - it seemed like there were at least 5,000 there today. Busy is an understatement.
The view of the Falls from the parking lot.

Matty cooling his feet.

Photo of the lower falls

God's Light

Please click on this photo to get a better view. I noticed this gentlemen (I am sure visiting from a different country). Omid & I coudln't take our eyes off his footwear. In this country, what he had on his feet are for women. They were also a size too small. I told Omid I just had to get a photo. Now that I took this photo and left this comment, I am sure that I have made several mistakes in the different countries I have visited and locals have photographed me as well. So I don't feel too bad.

Omid bought Matty & I giant soft serve cones. They were super nummy. Mine is vanilla and Matty had choc/vanilla swirl.

**NOTE: Nas is absent from the above post as she wouldn't let me take her photo yesterday or today.

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